Photo Gallery

Shown here are various images of the house and ruins of Shaver Mill taken from 1948 to present as well as artifacts we've found on the property and a few pictures from a 2008 photo shoot by Rosetta Stone. 

Thanks to Will McGuffin for the great images of some our smaller found objects and we are eternally grateful to the late Mary Bob Holm (1927-2017) for the photos taken during her family's 1956-2002 ownership period.

Circa 1787 George Chrisman House: A Virginia and National Historic Landmark

We are no longer offering house tours.

For more than 20 years we have enjoyed conducting private "by appointment only" house tours to countless visitors who share our interest in the personal and architectural histories of this old stone house. Although we no longer offer tours, we welcome your emails and look forward to continuing the friendships we've made through this unique experience.

Dan & Susan Pinnell
Sept. 22, 2024

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